Magic Broccoli Smoothie Recipe with benefits...Broccoli Smoothie for Weight Loss

Broccoli Smoothie for Weight Loss

Broccoli is a super food full of many healthy nutrients. Broccoli is rich in anti-bacterial and immune-boosting properties. It contains vitamin C, which helps with everything from body health to skin health, and fiber, which is great for weight loss.

Apart from this, this fruit is also popular for its anti-cancer and DNA damage repair properties. Apart from vitamin C, broccoli is an excellent source of many minerals such as vitamin K, manganese, potassium, magnesium, omega-3, zinc, calcium and iron.

The high antioxidants and bioactive compounds in broccoli are the main reason to include this green vegetable in our diet. There are many delicious ways to eat broccoli. Should you be eating more broccolis? It has an interesting way.

It's the Broccoli Smoothie. Check out the recipe and health benefits for Broccoli Smoothie here. To make a smoothie packed with the health benefits of broccoli, you need to add the following ingredients to the broccoli and blend for several minutes.


Required Ingredients:

Large broccoli florets - 4,

Spinach - 1/2 cup,

Frozen banana - 1/2 cup,

Frozen mango - 1/2 cup,

Unsweetened milk - 1/2 cup,

Yogurt - 1 /4 cup,

Maple syrup (maple syrup) - 1-2 tbsp.



Adding some banana to any smoothie will help thicken it up.

-Similarly, when preparing the smoothie, put it in a mixer and blend it until it becomes a smooth paste.

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This wills Boosts immunity:

Broccoli is rich in Vitamin C which helps protect the body from diseases and infections. So broccoli strengthens the immune system and increases the body's ability to defend itself against germs and viruses.


Excretes cholesterol:

The soluble fibre present in broccoli flushes out unwanted cholesterol from the body. Also, the fibre in it binds the bile acids found in the digestive tract and helps flush out cholesterol from our body.


Supports healthy bones:

The high calcium and vitamin K found in broccoli helps in strong and healthy bones. Apart from calcium, other minerals like zinc, phosphorus and magnesium found in broccoli make it a wonderful food for babies, the elderly and new mothers who are breastfeeding.


Helps a lot in weight loss:

Broccoli is low in calories and high in fibre, making it great for weight loss. Apart from this, this fruit also helps in digestion and constipation.

How you can lose weight without a lick of exercise.
Try these weight loss secrets from people who lose over 50 pounds and kept it off 


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